Otherworldly Book On Quicker Maths is a book composed as an approach to help the understudies who attempt different bank and common examinations like the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), LIC, CPO, UTI, GIC and numerous others of a similar kind. The book encourages us to handle the complex scientific issues one faces in these examinations in a quicker and more compelling way. It gives us a more exact and quick approach that is both simple to apply and comprehend by the idea. This book is an aid to the understudies of different branches – science, business and expressions streams alike.
The ideas are clarified in straightforward words and the issues are settled in a straightforward manner. Also, the coordinate recipe for a wide range of issues that have seemed to-date in all people in general examinations can be found in this book. And every conceivable inquiry for the imminent examination have likewise been recorded and illuminated in a successful, simple to-recollect technique.
The fundamental point of Quicker Maths Book is to help the understudies partaking in the different bank and common examination, to tackle the numerical area with insignificant exertion in a speedier, more gainful path than the ones known to understudies. The book starts with presentations on different numerical points, drilling down the vital equations and inductions, that turn out to be exceptionally helpful in understanding different ideas. This must have book for aggressive examinations arrangements is accessible in soft cover.
Why this Book-
- It’s available free just download from below mention and enjoy your study.
- Well defined shortcut methods
- Solved Questions which is based on numerous competitive exams.
- Practice Questions.
- More than 35 Chapters of Quants for numerous competitive exams.
Chapter Details-
- How to prepare for Maths
2. Addition
3. Multiplication
4. Divisibility
5. Squaring
6. Cube
7. HCF & LCM
8. Fractions
9. Decimal Fractions
10. Elementary Algebra
11. Surds
12. Number System
13. Binary System
14. Permutation & Combination
15. Probability
16. Ratio and Proportion
17. Partnership
18. Percentage
19. Average
20. Problems Based on Ages
21. Profit and Loss
22. Simple Interest
23. Compound Interest
24. Allegation
25. Time and Work
26. Work and Wages
27. Pipes and Cisterns
28. Time and Distance
29. Trains
30. Streams
31. Elementary Mensuration-I
32. Elementary Mensuration-II
33. Series
34. Data Sufficiency
35. Data Analysis .
36. Trigonometry
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