Welcome to the world of Education Keeda. Lets talk in simple language everyone wants to get government job with full preparation. Keeda is known as the most dangerous thing in the world. Once it enters in our body none can stop that keeda. Education Keeda will help you to provide coaching for different exams.
KEEDA name means:
K: Meaning of K in the name KEEDA means: You like to try new things. Love of home increases security. Strong desire for independence should not be taken to extremes. Control lust for power as it may overwhelm. Instincts of a good director, meddling can weaken position. Discretion and moderation important factors in life.
E: Meaning of E in the name KEEDA means: You are a very exciting person. Timidity recedes as you mature. Secretiveness and selfishness give power, lose support unless craving for money and power moderated. Innate intelligence and diplomacy bring ambition to fruition. Versatility brings honors, do not become careless. Use, develop, and apply imagination and succeed, but avoid irrationality. If you knew what people really think of you, you would be surprised.
D: Meaning of D in the name KEEDA means: You have trouble trusting people. Excellent judgement, you weigh things carefully. Do not be discouraged, success lies ahead. Brusqueness and forcefulness are your undoing. Overcome inferiority complex, patient efforts will be rewarded. Afraid of nothing, nevertheless stay out of physical fights.
A: Meaning of A in the name KEEDA means: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Vitality and enthusiasm, inspire others, prone to ill health, common sense overcomes, irritability and “nerves”, create financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities, overcomes shyness, unforeseen events may cause unexpected move to faraway place. Travel widely, may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through own fickleness. Ambition attained through application and skill.